Current News from
Recruitment Radar
Recruitment Radar
Q3 2024
- Passive is continuing to apply pressure on Active, even more so with the rising demand of Active ETFs.
- Many Investment boutiques are struggling in selling their niche products when they are not ?en vogue? – sales people join organisations with broader product capabilities.
- Strongly increasing merger activity in the Financial Services industry after two quiet years.
- After years of massive recruiting on the ESG side, the added value of these hires is discussed much more controversially from a cost/income point of view, and we have already seen asset managers letting people go again.
- Bonus expectations are getting lower for 2024.
- Private Markets firms are snatching the best talents and seniors from the traditional asset managers ? our main topic ? read below!
Private Markets Attract the Best Talent
Private Markets are increasingly attracting the best talent in the financial industry, displacing traditional asset management as the preferred career path. Areas like Private Equity, Private Debt, Infrastructure and other alternative investment strategies not only offer higher earnings potential but also a more dynamic working environment. While traditional asset management focuses on publicly listed securities, Private Markets provide opportunities to invest in non-listed companies. This allows for the development of company-specific strategies and direct involvement in the success of these businesses?an enticing challenge for many top professionals.Attractive Compensation as a Key Factor
One of the primary reasons for the talent migration is the attractive compensation model found in Private Markets. Companies in this sector tend to offer higher base salaries and bonuses but also participation in investment returns (?Carried Interest?). This form of compensation is particularly lucrative for many candidates, as they receive a direct share in the success of their investments. In contrast, many asset management firms face margin pressure due to increased regulations and the rise of passive investment strategies like ETFs. This has led to limited compensation structures, making traditional asset management less appealing to ambitious talent. Private Markets, on the other hand, provide opportunities for substantial personal financial success, acting as a powerful draw for the industry?s top performers.Dynamic Working Environment and Strategic Involvement
Besides compensation, the nature of the work itself plays a crucial role in the decision to move into Private Markets. These markets offer a deeper involvement in operational and strategic processes, allowing professionals to directly influence the development of the companies they invest in. Employees can actively contribute to the growth and strategic development of these firms, resulting in a broader scope of responsibilities. It?s not just about allocating capital; it?s about shaping companies and driving their long-term success. Many finance professionals find this level of entrepreneurial engagement significantly more interesting and fulfilling.Challenges for Asset Management
This talent migration poses a serious challenge for the asset management industry. The loss of the brightest minds could ultimately result in the sector losing its innovative edge and struggling to provide high-quality services. The increasing exodus of talent makes it difficult for traditional asset management firms to compete with the dynamic Private Markets. More and more top professionals are opting out of classic investment management in favor of alternative sectors, where they see greater opportunities for impact and responsibility. This situation could force asset management companies to fundamentally rethink their business models and working structures. To keep up with the attractiveness of Private Markets, new approaches are needed?whether through more flexible compensation models, the adoption of innovative investment strategies, or creating a more engaging work environment that goes beyond merely managing portfolios.Conclusion: The Battle for the Best Talent
The draw that Private Markets exert on the best talent in the financial industry is undeniable. With higher salaries, more exciting areas of responsibility, and the prospect of greater entrepreneurial involvement, it is no surprise that more and more professionals are making the leap from traditional asset management. In the coming years, it will be crucial for the asset management industry to find ways to compete with this new rival?otherwise, the exodus of talent could become a long-term threat to the entire sector. Only through adaptation and innovative change will it be possible to win back the best talent and remain competitive in the long run.GERMANY / AUSTRIA
Q1 ?24
Q2 ?24
Q3 ?24
hiring activity
hiring activity
hiring activity
Increasing hiring activity
Private Markets IR/
Institutional Sales
Research & Portfolio Management
Marketing & Client Service
Legal / Compliance
Operations &
Q1 ?24
Q2 ?24
Q3 ?24
hiring activity
hiring activity
hiring activity
hiring activity
Private Markets IR/
Institutional Sales
Research & Portfolio Management
Marketing & Client Service
Legal / Compliance
Operations &
- Hired Axel Ullmann as Senior Sales from Aaro Capital
- Hired Wolfgang Murmann as Workplace Consulting Leader Germany from Insight Investment
- Hired Florian Barber as Head of Sales & Marketing from DJE
- Hired Christian D?Amico as Head of German Speaking Europe from Hamilton Lane
- Hired Manfred Schlumberger as Head of Investment Analysis from HA-VA Verwaltungsgesellschaft
- Hired Klaus Peitlschmidt as Head of Institutional Sales from Stuttgarter Lebensversicherung
- Hired Jesco Schwarz as Country Head Germany & Austria from Columbia Threadneedle Investments
- Hired Jan Sicking as Principle Wealth Coverage Germany & Austria from Goldman Sachs
- Hired Dejan Djukic as Head of Portfolio Management Multi Asset from DZ Privatbank
- Hired Michael Jänsch, Alexander Eimermacher und Sandra Sohn for their Family Office Business from Finvia
- Hired Lars Conrad as Portfolio Director Fixed Income from UniCredit
- Hired Joël Schüepp as new CEO from UBS
- Hired Uwe Diehl as Managing Director Business Development from Arts Asset Management
- Hired Markus Rottler as Senior Sales Manager Germany from Alliance Bernstein
- Hired Gottfried Hörich as Head of Distribution DACH from Principal Financial Group
- Hired Sikandar Salam as Senior Sales Manager from Fisch Asset Management
- Hired Nestanlin Garcia as Head Institutional Clients from DWS
- Hired Christopher Chwalek as Senior Sales Manager from Oddo BHF Asset Management
- Hired Dr. Dirk Klee as Country Head Switzerland from VP Bank
- Hired Maria Vogt as Head of Business Development, former employer Bantleon
- Hired Danny Kotroba as Business Developer Germany, former employer Golding Capital
- Hired Patrick Stauffer as Senior Business Developer Switzerland, former employer Lombard Odier
- Hired Gian Luca De Cicco as Business Developer Switzerland from Cape Capital
- Hired Claudio Fetz as Senior Client Relationship Manager from GAM
- Hired Christophe Sohn as Senior Sales Manager Switzerland (Romandie) from GAM
- Hired Claudio Carco? as Senior Sales Manager Switzerland from Crypto Finance
- Hired Daniel King-Robinson as Head of Thematic Investing from Twelve Capital
- Hired Fidan Shtanaj as Senior Sales Manager Vice President – Client Solutions Europe from PIMCO
- Hired Erk Subasi as Head Systematic Investing from Limmat Capital
- Hired Andreas Astone as Senior Sales Manager Switzerland (Romandie), former employer CTI
- Hired Katia Coudray as member of the executive board and Head Private Banking & Asset Management from CA Indosuez Suisse
- Hired Daniel Imhof as Head Client Solutions EMEA from Credit Suisse
- Hired Monika Waidacher as Director Institutional Sales Switzerland from Goldman Sachs
- Hired Roman Eggler as Head of DACH Private Wealth Distribution from Goldman Sachs
- Hired René Küffer as Head Multi Assets Switzerland from Credit Suisse
- Hired Livia Zanini as Senior Wholesale Sales Manager Switzerland from Blackrock
- Hired Stephanie Zwick as Senior Portfolio Manager Multi Asset, former employer Fisch Asset Management
- Hired Aurélie Tixerand as CIO Switzerland / Head of Discretionary Portfolio Management from Bank J. Safra Sarasin
- Hired Cedric Priouzeau as Head of Fund Selection from Deutsche Bank
Hier geht es zum Recruitment Radar Q2 2024
Hier geht es zum Recruitment Radar Q1 2024
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Hier geht es zum Recruitment Radar Q3 2023
Hier geht es zum Recruitment Radar Q1 2024
Hier geht es zum Recruitment Radar Q4 2023
Hier geht es zum Recruitment Radar Q3 2023
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Please find our latest press releases in Updates
- AM-Headhunter: "Die Aktivität als Headhunter ist so hoch wie noch nie?"
(Fundview, April 2022)
- Chefsuche: alles fischt im gleichen Teich
(, 12.11.2021) - Koalitions-Tipps von der Headhunterin: ?Partnern sollten schnell Angebote gemacht werden.?
(, 28.09.2021) - Asset Manager legen bei Neueinstellungen drauf
(Börsenzeitung, 09.07.2021) - So machen Sie Headhunter auf sich aufmerksam
(Wirtschaftswoche, 24.01.2021)
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( 15.04.2020) - Auch im Asset Management sind Gehaltsanpassungen wohl notwendig
(Das Investment, 15.04.2020)
- AM-Headhunter: Warum Fonds-Selektoren in den Vertrieb wechseln
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(Citywire, 02.03.19) - Die Erhöhung der Gehälter war ein entscheidender Fehler
(Private Banking Magazin, 17.01.19) - Viel zu hoch ? Headhunter diagnostiziert überhöhte Vergütungen im Finanzsektor
(Börsenzeitung Nr 6, 10. Januar 2019)
- Wie sich Gehälter und Jobprofile im Private Wealth Management entwickeln
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(Börsen Zeitung, 07.02.2018) - Wie der Einstieg ins Asset Management gelingt
(efinancialcareers, 01.02.2018) - Banker in Frankfurt: Frust, Ärger und super Gehälter
(SPIEGELonline, 11.01.2018)
- Wie entwickeln sich Gehälter und Jobprofile im Private Wealth Management?
(Private Banking Magazin 06.12.16) - Alternative zum Finanzplatz London: Frankfurt auf der Pole-Positon
(Neue Zürcher Zeitung 30.06.2016) - Brexit und die Schweiz: Die Union der Unbeugsamen
( 28.06.2016) - Die Finanzmärkte kommen nicht zur Ruhe
(Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 28.06.2016) - Banker wehren sich gegen Begrenzung der Kader Saläre
(SRF 21.06.2016)
- Personalberater Jonas Neff «Weniger Stellen im Schweizer Finanzsektor»
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(az Aargauer Zeitung 14.07.2015)
- Aus BiermannPartners wird BiermannNeff
(PI 22.05.2014)
- Fünf Lebensläufe, mit denen Sie in der Schweiz sofort einen Job finden
(, 20.03.2013) - Bloß keine Kosmetik: Wie Sie Arbeitslosigkeit sinnvoll in einem Lebenslauf darstellen
(, 14.02.2013) - Das Fernduell: Deutsche vs UBS
(Handelsblatt, 11.02.2013) - 2.5 Mrd Bonus trotz 2.5 Mrd Verlust bei UBS
(Interview mit Klaus Biermann, SF1 10vor10, 05.02.2013) - Banker Boni schrumpfen
(Sonntagszeitung, 03.02.2013) - Selters statt Sekt: Was deutsche Headhunter für 2013 erwarten
(, 09.01.2013) - Alte Arbeitsplätze gehen, neue Stellen kommen
(Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 04.01.2013)
- Wachstumsmarkt Asset Management: Welche Jobprofile in der Schweiz benötigt werden
( 10.12.2012) - Gefeuert? Welche Alternativen Private und Investment-Banker in der Schweiz haben
( 11.10.2012) - Wie Sie in einer Bewerbung rechtfertigen, dass Sie gefeuert wurden
( 20.09.2012) - Wie Sie Ihre Jobchancen vermasseln: Die sieben verbreitetsten Fehler in Online-Bewerbungen
(Reuters Deutschland 24.05.2012) - Rund 50 Mitarbeiter in Frankfurt vor dem Aus: Macquarie zieht sich aus dem deutschen Derivate-Geschäft zurück
( 08.02.2012)
- Lebensläufe, mit denen Sie in der Schweiz jeden Job antreten können
( 13.10.2011) - UBS-Personalkarussell: Ermotti darf nicht, Bänziker will nicht und Winter kann nicht
( 03.10.2011) - Heisser Sommer in der Schweiz: Zehn Auswirkungen der Krise auf den Arbeitsmarkt
( 10.08.2011) - Der Teutonenknigge: Was deutsche Banker in der Schweiz beherzigen sollten
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( 4.4.2011) - Ausblick 2011 ? wo die besten Karrierechancen in der Schweiz versteckt sind
( 31.12.2010) - Vier Köpfe für den Bonus Thron
(SonntagsZeitung Januar 2011)
- Was Sales Profis mitbringen müssen, um in der Schweiz erfolgreich zu sein
( November 2010) - Ausländische Asset Manager bringen Schwung in den Schweizer Arbeitsmarkt
( Oktober 2010) - Qualifiziertes Personal: ein knappes Gut?
(B2B Magazin Nr. 30) - Rotierendes Personalkarussel
(NZZ 25.08.2010) - BarCap, Deutsche shake up Swiss syndication
(EUROWEEK Issue 1162 July 2010) - Recruiter-Interview mit Klaus Biermann
( Juni 2010) - Aufatmen bei UBS-Mitarbeitern: Nationalrat billigt Staatsvertrag mit den USA
( Juni 2010) - Vergessen Sie Credit Suisse: UBS vor Comeback
( Mai 2010) - Five hot spots in the Swiss financial sector
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( März 2010)
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( Oktober 2009)